What is LDAP?
LDAP provides access to all online systems at the University with just a single account number and password.
Enable account and modify
Change password
Forgot password
Account status
Fu Jen Catholic University LDAP account
» 帳號啟用與修改驗證資料
» Enable account and update security information
  1. 帳號啟用的主要目的在於提供使用人設定身分驗證資訊,以因應忘記密碼時的線上驗證程序。
    Please enable your account to set up your security information so you'll have a way to access your account if you forget your password.
  2. 帳號啟用的方式有二:
    There are two ways to activate your account:
    • 有身分證號者 - 請以個人基本資料進行啟用。
      If FJCU has your National ID information, please click "Enabling your account".
    • 無身分證號者(如僑生、陸生、外籍生) - 請以LDAP帳密修改驗證資料後即算完成啟用。
      If FJCU does not have your National ID information (such as foreign students), please click "Update security information".
  3. 啟用過程中,必須設定以下兩項身分驗證資訊:
    You must set the following security methods when enabling your account:
    • 備用信箱:設定可收發信件的另一個信箱。在忘記密碼查詢中,可請系統產生新的亂數密碼並寄至此備用信箱。請注意:部分信箱(如 hotmail、 yahoo)會阻擋學校信件,不建議使用。
      Email: If you forget your password, the system can email you a temporary password to log in. Some students who use Hotmail, Yahoo and Kimo email addresses don't receive their temporary password because the email gets blocked.
    • 一組問答題目:設定一組問題與答案。在忘記密碼查詢中,通過這組問題答案的驗證即可線上設定新密碼。請注意:問題與答案請勿過於簡單,不要讓別人猜出來。
      Security Questions: You can set up a series of questions. By answering them, you can log into the system and set up a new password. Please don't set question and answer too simple.
  4. 每個單一帳號僅能啟用乙次,請務必謹慎設定「備用信箱」與「忘記密碼問答」。
    An LDAP account can only be enabled once. We suggest you set up Email and Security Questions.
  5. 若忘記「備用信箱」與「忘記密碼問答」,導致忘記密碼時無法線上驗證,請攜帶個人證件至資訊中心網路與資源管理組(聖言樓SF416辦公室)辦理重新啟用程序(親洽,不接受委託)。
    If you forget your password and can't remember your security information, you can take your personal identification and go in person to the Center of Information Technology Network Management Section (Divine Word Academic Highrise, Room SF416). You must come in person to re-enable your account; you cannot get someone to come in your place.