What is LDAP?
LDAP provides access to all online systems at the University with just a single account number and password.
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Fu Jen Catholic University LDAP account
» 相關申請
» Request
步驟 1 / 3. 申請流程
Step 1. Application process
  1. 本校正式聘任之專兼任教師、職員、工友與在學學生已由權責單位(人事室及教務處)建立單一帳號並管理,不需填寫此申請表單。
    Instructors, administrative staff, workers, and current students do not need to complete this application form. Your LDAP accounts will be set up and managed by the Personnel Office or the Office of Academic Affairs.
  2. 本頁面僅提供計畫助理人員帳號與單位公務帳號申請,以及以上兩種帳號的資料異動與續用申請
    This page is only for contracted workers to apply for a personal account and for administrative divisions to apply for public accounts, as well as for changes to or renewals of these accounts.
  3. 鑒於資訊安全與校內資源授權,開立的單一帳號僅限校內同仁使用,不得轉由學生、校外單位、廠商使用。
    Limited to the resources and authorization of the school, the account opened can only be used by colleagues in the school, and cannot be transferred to students or external units or manufacturers.
  4. 填寫資料送出後,系統會寄送主管核可信件給單位主管,請提醒主管查閱電子郵件,並完成簽核。
    After you have sent your information, the system will email it to the head of your division. Please remind them to read and confirm it.
  5. 30天內未完成簽核流程的申請資料將會自動刪除。
    If you do not complete the procedure within 30 days, the system will delete your information.
  6. 中心作業時間為收件後三個工作日。完成作業後,將以Email方式寄送帳號啟用程序,如三日後尚未收到,請來電或來信查詢。
    It will take us approximately 3 working days to process your application, then we will send you an email with instructions on how to enable your account. If you do not receive an email within 3 days, please contact us by telephone or email.
  7. 申請人收到帳號啟用程序通知信件後,請點選信上連結網址完成帳號啟用。
    Please click on the link provided in the email to enable your account.
您無法提出申請 . 此頁面限校內瀏覽
You are not eligible to apply. Applications are restricted to internal use.